Jennifer Saul is a philosopher working in philosophy of language and philosophy of feminism. Saul is a professor of philosophy at the University of Sheffield.
Jennifer Saul holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Rochester and a master's degree and PhD from Princeton University, where she studied under Scott Soames.
Saul has recently co-written a report for the British Philosophical Association and Society for Women in Philosophy UK with Helen Beebee titled Women in Philosophy in the UK: A Report. Saul frequently writes comments on women in philosophy, in a variety of non-academic publications.
In December 2011, Jennifer Saul was awarded the Distinguished Woman Philosopher award in Washington, D.C. by the Society for Women in Philosophy. In response to her Distinguished Woman Philosopher Award Saul said, "I'm deeply honored and absolutely stunned by this. It’s especially wonderful to be recognized as making a difference in people's lives by doing philosophy. For me, that's the highest honor there could be." Saul is co-founder and co-blogger for the Feminists Philosophers which is a forum that focuses on gender biases. The forum's Gender Conference Campaign aims to highlight the lack of participation and representation of female philosophers at world events.
Saul's primary research is in analytic philosophy of language and feminist philosophy. In her most recent book, Lying, Misleading and What is Said: An Exploration in Philosophy of Language and in Ethics (Oxford University Press 2012), she argues that the distinction between lying and misleading is theoretically significant and illuminates a variety of issues in philosophy of language concerning semantic content, implicature, and assertion. Moreover, because it is also an ethically meaningful distinction, it demonstrates some ways in which communication and speech are apt for ethical analysis. Saul argues that it is not the case, in general, that lying is ethically worse than misleading. Luvell Anderson, in his review of the book, says that "Her book is an excellent addition to a growing literature of what might be considered applied philosophy of language."