"Jeeves and the Yule-tide Spirit" is a short story by P. G. Wodehouse. It was first published in the December 1927 edition of Strand Magazine and in the 24 December 1927 edition of Liberty, and saw its first book publication in Very Good, Jeeves in 1930.
On 16 December, Bertie Wooster receives an invitation to spend Christmas at Skeldings Hall, home of Bobbie Wickham and Lady Wickham. He informs his valet Jeeves of these plans, which are different from Bertie's original plans to go to Monte Carlo. Jeeves conceals his disappointment at the change in plans. Aunt Agatha telephones Bertie to inform him that Sir Roderick Glossop will also be at Skeldings, and she wishes Bertie to make a good impression on Sir Roderick. (Bertie had previously been engaged to Sir Roderick's daughter Honoria Glossop.)
On 23 December, Bertie and Jeeves drive to Skeldings Hall, where he is greeted cordially by Bobbie Wickham, Lady Wickham, and Sir Roderick Glossop.
On the morning of 24 December, Bertie reveals to Jeeves the three reasons that induced him to come to Skeldings. First, Bertie notes that there is not much yule-tide spirit in Monte Carlo, to which Jeeves replies "Does one desire the yule-tide spirit?" Second, Bertie is intent on getting revenge on Tuppy Glossop, who is also visiting Skeldings, for tricking Bertie into falling into the swimming-bath at the Drones Club, an incident that is mentioned in several other Jeeves stories. Finally, Bertie reveals that he is in love with Bobbie Wickham. Jeeves gives his opinion that Bobbie is frivolous and lacking in seriousness, and has a vivid shade of red hair, which he considers dangerous.
That evening, Bertie tells Jeeves that Bobbie Wickham has suggested an excellent way to revenge himself on Tuppy by sneaking into Tuppy's bedroom at night and puncturing Tuppy's hot-water bottle with a darning needle attached to a stick. Jeeves advises against this plan, but Bertie insists on Jeeves acquiring a stick with a darning needle attached. Jeeves informs Bertie that Tuppy is staying in the Moat Room.