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Jean Wauquelin

Jean Wauquelin (active in the 15th century) was a writer and translator in French, active in Burgundian Hainaut. Wauquelin died on 7 September 1452 in Mons, Hainaut. His date of birth remains unknown.

He translated into French the Chronica ducum Lotharingiae et Brabantiae of Edmond de Dynter, the Historia regum Britanniae of Geoffrey of Monmouth, and the Annales historiae illustrium principum Hannoniae of Jacques de Guyse.

Jean Wauquelin also put into prose the Manekine of Philippe de Beaumanoir, the Belle Helene Constantinople, and produced a compilation of French romances of Alexander the Great in his Livre des conquestes et faits d'Alexandre le Grand (book of the conquests and deeds of Alexander the Great).

