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Jazz collections at the University Library of Southern Denmark

The Music Department at the University Library of Southern Denmark (SDUB) in Odense has through donations and acquisitions since 1997 achieved the status of research archive of specialised jazz studies. The Danish Jazz Center ceased to exist on 1 July 1997; a great deal of their collection was transferred to the former Odense University Library, including the Center's public collection, the Timme Rosenkrantz Collection, the Ben Webster Collection, the Radio Jazz Collection and the Erik Lindemann Collection. A smaller part went to the Danish Jazz Association while that part of the collection which belonged to the Head of the Center, Arnvid Meyer, has since been purchased by the Danish Royal Library although it has up to now remained in Meyer's possession. The collections at the University Library of Southern Denmark have since been enlarged due to purchases and donations such as the private collections of Svend Asmussen and Richard Boone.

The collections are housed in the Music Department and can be used during the Music Department's open hours. They are only for use on the premises and are not for loan. A room with all forms of listening facilities is available. Indexes to the Jazz Center's collections of tape recordings and videos and the Rosenkrantz, Webster, and Lindemann collections accompanied the collections and they can be used on the premises. All the books, sheet music, records, CDs and DVDs are catalogued and can be retrieved in the library's catalogue. Current registration is concentrated on the reel-to-reel tapes in Rosenkrantz's collection.

This part of the Danish Jazz Center's collection was purchased with funds allocated by the former Statens Musikråd. The collection contains more than 50 sheets of music, 49 books, 1516 78-rpm records, 482 LPs, 300 CDs and a number of journals, some of which are not to be found in any other Danish library.

The collection consists of more than 2600 reel-to-reel tapes, 1000 cassette tapes and 500 Digital Audio Tapes of jazz broadcasts including both music and interviews taped from Denmark's Radio between 1975-1997. These tapes are invaluable documentation of what went on the jazz scene during this period. On top of this there are about 700 video tapes taped from both Danish, Swedish and German television between 1980-1997, spanning from old short films to contemporary concert recordings.

