Jat people established themselves in the Indian desert of the present-day state of Rajasthan, India, many centuries ago, although exactly when is unknown.
The region of Jangladesh in northern Rajasthan included the present-day districts of Bikaner, Jhunjhunu, Sikar, Churu, Ganganagar, and Hanumangarh. According to the Suraj Mal Memorial Education Society, Jats failed to find a desirable place in south Rajasthan and north Gujarat because the regions were already inhabited by tribes such as the Rajputs, Gujjars, Bhils, Yadavs, Guhils and Mers. During this period Abhiras pushed them in Rajasthan.
Jangladesh in ancient times was inhabited by Jat clans ruled by their own chiefs and largely governed by their own customary law. Whole of the region was possessed by six or seven cantons namely Punia, Godara, Saran, Sihag, Beniwal, Johiya and Kaswan. Besides these cantons there were several clan of Jat people, simultaneously wrested from Rajput proprietors for instance Bagor, Kharipatta, Mohila or Mehila, Bhukar, and Bhadu.