JASS and JASS2 (sometimes said to stand for Just Another Scripting Syntax) is a scripting language provided with an event-driven API created by Blizzard Entertainment. It is used extensively by their games Warcraft III (JASS2) and StarCraft (JASS) for scripting events in the game world. Map creators can use it in the Warcraft III World Editor and the Starcraft Editor to create scripts for triggers and AI (artificial intelligence) in custom maps and campaigns.
Blizzard Entertainment has replaced JASS with Galaxy in Starcraft II.
The language provides an extensive API that gives programmers control over nearly every aspect of the game world. It can, for example, execute simple GUI functions such as giving orders to units, changing the weather and time of day, playing sounds and displaying text to the player, and manipulating the terrain. JASS can also create powerful functions such as trackables, which detect if a mouse goes over or hits a position, GetLocalPlayer(), which can cause disconnects if used improperly (such as using handles with GetLocalPlayer() ). It has a syntax similar to Turing and Delphi, but unlike those languages, it is case sensitive. JASS primarily uses procedural programming concepts, though popular user-made modifications to Blizzard's World Editor program have since added C++-like object-oriented programming features to the syntax of JASS.