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Jasmine (Angel)

Angel character
Gina Torres as Jasmine
First appearance "Spin the Bottle" (in the form of Cordelia Chase)
"Inside Out" (as Jasmine) (both in 2003)
Created by Joss Whedon
Portrayed by Charisma Carpenter
Gina Torres
Affiliation The Powers That Be
Classification Deity
Notable powers Mind control, empathy, telepathy.
Superhuman strength, agility, durability, stamina, rapid healing and immortality.

Jasmine is a fictional character in the fourth season of the television series Angel. She is portrayed for much of the season by Charisma Carpenter (as the goddess is possessing the character of Cordelia Chase), but when she acquires her own body she is portrayed by Gina Torres. Jasmine, also known as the "Devourer," is a super being who seeks to gain corporeal form, then blend with all of humanity, making each human her spiritual slave. She feeds on humanity to maintain her form and delivers a Utopian existence to all via mind control.

According to her servant, Skip (a demon in secret contact with Jasmine, but openly friends with Cordelia Chase), Jasmine arranged for many of the events seen in Angel Seasons One through Four all to align players as necessary in order to create the opportunity to come to Earth. These included Lorne's arrival on Earth, the passing of Doyle's visions to Cordelia, later Cordelia's transformation into a part demon and her ascension into the realm of the Powers, the birth of Connor, and the coming of the Beast.

Jasmine explains that long ago, the primeval forces now considered good and evil took shape; however, the malevolent grew in power and the era of demons began. Jasmine and some of her fellow beings left this world and made themselves content to watch from an alternate reality, only directing the remaining forces for good on Earth and not taking an active part in the battle against evil.

Jasmine was a renegade who decided to take matters into her own hands and impose peace on Earth through mind control. She conquered a dimension filled with a race of insectoid demons as a rehearsal before going to Earth. Jasmine, known to these demons as "The Blessed Devourer," tinkered with the demons' evolution and society, but eventually abandoned them and later spoke of them as a mistake. In the following centuries, many lost their faith in her, but others fanatically awaited her return. Like in the case of mankind, Jasmine assumed a shape similar to that of her zealots.

