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James Oseland

James Oseland (born February 9, 1963 in Mountain View, California) is an American food writer and magazine editor who lives part-time in Manhattan and part-time in Emmaus, Pennsylvania. He is the former Editor-in-Chief of Rodale's Organic Life. Previously he was the Editor-in-Chief of Saveur. Before Saveur, Oseland wrote for Food & Wine, Gourmet, and Time Out New York. He has also worked as an editor at Vogue, Organic Style, L.A. Weekly, TV Guide, Vibe, Sassy, American Theatre, The Village Voice and Mademoiselle.

Oseland has written a book, Cradle of Flavor: Home Cooking from the Spice Islands of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore, that was influenced by his experiences in Southeast Asia and is currently writing Jimmy Neurosis, a memoir of his punk rock youth in the 1970s, for Ecco Press, a Harper Collins imprint.

After dropping out of high school, Oseland earned a BFA and an MFA in photography and film studies from the San Francisco Art Institute. He worked in development in Hollywood before deciding "the idea of growing old in the business just didn't sit all that well". He went on to become an editor at Vogue, Organic Style, L.A. Weekly, TV Guide, Vibe, Sassy, American American Theatre, The Village Voice and Mademoiselle before becoming editor-in-chief of Saveur and later Rodale's Organic Life.

