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James Brighouse

James Brighouse was a late-nineteenth-century American leader of a splinter sect in the Latter Day Saint movement called the Order of Enoch. Brighouse was one of the first persons to claim to be the "One Mighty and Strong" that Joseph Smith, Jr. had prophesied of in 1832.

On December 7, 1884, a few members of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints met in Independence, Missouri to organize what they called the Order of Enoch or the Church or Kingdom of Christ. The leaders of group were Brighouse and Lars Peterson. Brighouse was given the title "Emmanuel" and was later declared to be the 18th reincarnation of Jesus Christ. Later, Brighouse also claimed to be the reincarnation of Adam, Enoch, Moses, David, Ezekiel, George Washington, and Joseph Smith.

Brighouse taught that Brigham Young had led the majority of Latter Day Saints astray by teaching plural marriage. Brighouse said that God had chosen Joseph Morris to set the Latter Day Saints in order, but that the wickedness of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had resulted in the Morrisite War and the scattering of the true Latter Day Saints. Brighouse claimed that he was the "One Mighty and Strong" that Joseph Smith had prophesied would come to "set in order the house of God".

