Jake Yapp is a British comedian who first came to prominence in the mid-1990s on Martin Kelner's radio shows on BBC North and Jazz FM playing the character Dame Dora Dale. This led to the award-winning BBC 7 show Pleased to Meet You in 2006. Two new episodes were transmitted by BBC Radio 4 Extra over Christmas 2011.
A semi-finalist in the 2000 Daily Telegraph Open Mic Award, Yapp performed at the Edinburgh Fringe in 2008 (Bum Notes) and 2009 (Hallo, Music Lovers & Free at Four). He had a regular slot on BBC 6 Music's Shaun Keaveny breakfast show until July 2011. Yapp also created and performed The Chesney Bentings Mysteries for BBC Radio 2's Ken Bruce show as part of 2011's Comic Relief.
From August 2011 until December 2012, Yapp presented his own Friday and Saturday morning shows on BBC Radio Leeds.
Yapp is well known for his YouTube parody of a day in the life of BBC Radio 4 titled 'Radio Four In Four Minutes'.
He is a contributor to BBC2's Charlie Brooker's Weekly Wipe and BBC Radio 4's The Now Show and has also appeared on 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown.
In the lead-up to the 2015 UK General Election, Yapp performed live on BBC2's Newsnight with musical renditions of political party manifestos, with accompaniment from Harry The Piano.
He has performed at the 2015 Camden Fringe Festival alongside his brother Joe Yapp with a show entitled 'Onederland', a satirical and musical examination of BBC One.