Jacket2 magazine is an online poetry and poetics magazine that publishes articles, reviews, interviews, commentaries, podcasts, and reissued archival material. The magazine is the new, interactive incarnation of Jacket magazine, the poetry and poetics magazine created and run by poet John Tranter in 1997. Kelly Writers House faculty director Al Filreis is the publisher and Kelly Writers House director Jessica Lowenthal is the associate publisher. The magazine is edited by Julia Bloch and Michael S. Hennessey. New material is added daily.
In 2010, poet John Tranter and Professor Al Filreis released a joint statement in which they announced that Tranter, the founder of Jacket magazine, would be retiring from his "intense every-single-day involvement" with Jacket. As described in the statement, Jacket, an online poetry and poetics magazine which put out a total of 40 issues from 1997-2010, moved to the servers of the University of Pennsylvania and remerged as Jacket2.Jacket2, launched in 2011 and hosted by the Kelly Writers House and PennSound, preserves the original Jacket content and additionally provides features such as extensive commentaries and podcasts that the original Jacket did not. Instead of releasing content as issues, the new magazine provides content when it is ready, and new material is added daily.
Jacket2 publishes content about poetry and poetics in a variety of different forms, including articles, reviews, interviews, features, commentaries, podcasts, and reissues. All issues of Jacket are also available through the magazine's website.
Jacket2 publishes full length articles analyzing poets, poetry and poetics. Poets and critics such as Thom Donovan, Steve Bradbury, Ron Silliman, Erica Kaufman and dozens more have contributed articles to the magazine since its 2011 launch. Articles examine subjects as diverse as the role of the internet in new Chinese poetry (Steve Bradbury's "Have net, will travel, The new face of Chinese poetry"), the poet Hannah Weiner's later work (Marta L. Werner's "The landscape of Hannah Weiner's late work, The Book of Revelations"), and freedom and the "absence of political agenda" in contemporary Brazilian poetry (Farnoosh Fathi's "New Brazilian poets"). Articles also appear as part of larger features, such as "Poetry in 1960, a Symposium," "Hannah Weiner's 'The Book of Revelations'", "New Brazilian Poets," "Pacific Poetries", and "Discourses on Vocality," where multiple writers focus on individual topics within the larger featured theme. Articles in Jacket2 differ from articles in print or other online poetry magazines in that they utilize material made available for free from archives such as PennSound, a vast recorded poetry archive and close collaborator to Jacket2, the Electronic Poetry Center website and Jacket2's own archive of Jacket magazine issues.