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Jack Starsmore

Jack Starsmore
Publication information
Publisher Marvel Comics
First appearance X-Men: Apocalypse/Dracula #1 (April 2006)
Created by Frank Tieri
Clayton Henry
In-story information
Alter ego Jack Starsmore
Species Human Mutant
Team affiliations Clan Akkaba
Abilities Fire manipulation

Jack Starsmore is a fictional character, a mutant in the Marvel Comics universe. The character makes his first appearance in X-Men: Apocalypse vs. Dracula #1.

Jack was born into a lesser house of Clan Akkaba via the Starsmore bloodline. Being in the lesser caste he was treated with disdain and contempt by those placed above him. None however treated him as bad as Hamilton Slade the leader of the cult. Jack was not wealthy nor did he possess the conventional powers ascribed to Clan Akkaba instead he possessed a unique but disregarded mutation.

As a child he learnt his place as servant to the Council and came to accept his station as nothing more than a pawn in a chess game he would never understand. Starsmore was however very loyal to the clan and would often go above and beyond duty to ensure their safety and comfort.

As a man he joined the police force and worked his way up to the rank of Inspector. From his post he kept a watchful eye on anything related to the clan; but more specifically, he cleaned up Hamilton’s many messes. Hamilton reveled in his power and would kill humans for little or no reason, which meant Jack was tasked with containing and covering it up. Being underappreciated by his clan, mistreated by his Leader and considered almost incompetent by his peers, he developed a dependency on opium.

After a while he settled into the routine that had become his life: work, cover things and abuse opium. He was often very depressed and more than a little timid. Yet, despite all this, he remained loyal to Clan Akkaba and even to Hamilton Slade.

Mysteriously Clan members started to turn up dead all over London. Concerned that there was a link between all the killings Hamilton tasked Jack with protecting the clan by removing the clan’s tattoo from each victim before they could be examined by the police. Jack tried his best and was on his way to completing his job when his Opium habit caused him to be late for duty. By the time he arrived the mark had been uncovered and the police officers undeterred by him proceeded to Alexandria house to question Hamilton. In his infinite arrogance Hamilton revealed the history of Clan Akkaba to the officers right before he murdered them. Jack then had to tolerate Hamilton’s mistreatment before he strutted off to deal with whoever was endangering the clan. Jack was the one who informed the Council that Hamilton had ventured off by himself and subsequently went missing for three days.

