"JK Wedding Entrance Dance" is a viral video originally uploaded to YouTube on July 19, 2009, featuring the wedding of Jill Peterson and Kevin Heinz, using "Forever" by Chris Brown as the song for their wedding march. In its first 48 hours, the video was viewed more than 3.5 million times. The original upload of the video was the 3rd most popular video on YouTube in 2009, and as of September 2016 had been viewed over around 93.4 million times.Time magazine ranked the video at number fifteen on its list of the fifty greatest YouTube videos.
The video begins with ushers closing the church doors with everything appearing normal, getting ready for the start of a wedding. "Forever" by Chris Brown then begins to play. To the surprise of the audience, the ushers, groomsmen and bridesmaids then progressively dance down the aisle, culminating in the groom, Kevin Heinz, tumbling through the group. Ultimately, Jill Peterson dances down the aisle, eventually met by her husband-to-be. According to Jill, "[they practiced for] an hour and a half" the Thursday before the ceremony.
The wedding occurred on June 2, 2009 at Christ Lutheran Church, in Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA, across from the state capitol building. The video was posted on YouTube a month after the wedding at the request of the bride's father who wanted to share it with relatives who weren't there. Tommy Alsop recorded the video.
On July 26, 2009 sales of Chris Brown's 2008 song "Forever" reached number 4 on iTunes and number 3 on Amazon.com as a result of the post. Due to the controversy regarding Chris Brown and Rihanna, the married couple set up a charitable contribution effort on their website for donating funds to the Sheila Wellstone Institute, an organization whose efforts are to end domestic violence. Two months after the appearance of the video, donations had reached $16,000.