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JKF Renbukai

Japan Karatedo Federation Renbukai (全日本空手道連盟錬武会; Zennihon Karatedo renmei Renbukai ; JKF Renbukai; sometimes referred to simply as Renbukai 錬武会 in Japan) is a Bōgutsuki karate (防具付空手 put Bōgu karate in Japanese) organization. It is one of the oldest karate organizations in existence.

In early 1930, Kanken Toyama a native, returned to his country of origin to open his first dojo in Tokyo on March 20, 1930, named Shūdōkan (修道舘) meaning "The Dojo for the Study of the Karate Way".

When American GHQ announced the martial arts ban in 1945, students of Shūdōkan opened a dojo studio called Kanbukan (韓武舘) to avoid the ban. Attempting to create a more subtle name to disguise the organization, students used the name Kanbukan, which means "The Dojo of Martial Arts of Korea". The director was a Korean called Geka Yung, while a top student of Toyama called Hiroshi Kinjo was the instructor. He performed partner practice with direct blows using a Bōgu (防具 protector) from Kendo. This is Bōgutsuki karate.

In 1951 the ban was relaxed and Kanbukan was renamed Renbukan. In 1954 Renbukan hosted the world's first national karate convention.

In 1959, with the purpose to nationally organize Karate, the organization established the All Japan Karatedo Federation (JKF) and made Shūdōkan its overall headquarters. The JKF appointed Choko Sai as chairman, Yasuhiro Konishi (Shindo Jinen-ryu) and Hiroshi Kinjo (Kanbukan) as vice-chairmen, Kanken Toyama and Hiroyasu Tamae (Otou-ryu) as Shihan, and Hironori Otsuka (Wado-ryu), Tatsuo Yamada (Nippon Kenpo Karate), Shinkin Gima (Shotokan-ryu), Isamu Tamotsu (Shorinji-ryu) and Tsuyoshi Chitose (Chito-ryu) as officers of JKF.

