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Józef Andrasz

Józef Andrasz SJ (born October 16, 1891 in Wielopole, Nowy Sącz County, dead February 1, 1963 in Kraków) was the confessor of saint Faustina Kowalska.

He has been working in Wydawnictwo Apostolstwa Modlitwy (the Publishing House of the Apostleship of Prayer). From his inspiration it published 41 volumes of Biblioteka Życia Wewnętrznego (the Library of the Internal Life). They were mostly translations of great ascethic works and Andrasz himself made many of them. He has been also the editor-in-chief of very popular newspaper Posłaniec Serca Jezusowego (the Messenger of the Heart of Jesus) and the national manager of the Apostleship of Prayer (Apostolstwo Modlitwy) and Dzieło Poświęcenia Rodzin (the Cause of the Consecration of Families).

During the stay of saint Faustina Kowalska in Kraków he was her confessor and great aid. In 1943, in the Divine Mercy Sanctuary (Kraków), he started the public devotion to the Divine Mercy. The same year, under his direction, the most popular Image of Divine Mercy (exhibited in this church) was painted by Adolf Hyła. Saint Faustina Kowalska mentions father Andrasz many times in her Diary, among others in following words:

It is a strange thing, nevertheless, that confessors could neither understand me nor set my mind at peace concerning these matters, until I met father Andrasz and, later on, father Sopoćko. (111)

The Lord is giving me the promised help; I can see it in two priests – namely, father Andrasz and father Sopoćko. [...] I had impeded and feared God's grace for so long, and now God Himself, through father Andrasz, has removed all difficulties. (141-142)

My daughter, let nothing frighten or disconcert you; remain deeply at peace. Everything is in My hands; I will give You to understand everything through father Andrasz. Be like a child towards him. (Jesus' words, 219)

