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Israeli Military Governorate

Israeli Military Governorate
הממשל הצבאי
Ha-Memšal Ha-Tsvaʾi
Flag Coat of arms
Capital Not specified
Languages Hebrew (official),
 •  End of Six Day War 10 June 1967
 •  Implementation of Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty 1982
Currency Israeli Lira
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Jordanian occupation of the West Bank
Egyptian occupation of the Gaza Strip
North Sinai Governorate
South Sinai Governorate
Quneitra Governorate
Israeli Civil Administration
Northern District (Israel)
North Sinai Governorate
South Sinai Governorate

The Israeli Military Governorate was a established following the Six Day War in June 1967, in order to govern the civilian population of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, the Sinai Peninsula and the Western part of Golan Heights. The governance was based on the Fourth Geneva Convention, which provides guidelines for military rule in occupied areas. East Jerusalem was the only exception from this order, and it was effectively added to Jerusalem municipal area as early as 1967, and extending Israeli law to the area (effectively annexing it).

The Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty led Israel to give up the Sinai Peninsula in 1982 and transform the military rule in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank into the Israeli Civil Administration in 1981. The Western part of Golan Heights was effectively annexed by Israel the same year, thus abolishing the Military Governorate system entirely.

The Six Day War began on June 5, 1967, with Israel launching surprise strikes against Egyptian air-fields in response to the mobilization of Egyptian forces on the Israeli border. A period of high tension had preceded the war. In response to PLO sabotage acts against Israeli targets, Israel raided into the Jordanian-controlled West Bank and initiated flights over Syria, which ended with aerial clashes over Syrian territory, Syrian artillery attacks against Israeli civilian settlements in the vicinity of the border followed by Israeli responses against Syrian positions in the Golan Heights and encroachments of increasing intensity and frequency into the demilitarized zones along the Syrian border, and culminating in Egypt blocking the Straits of Tiran, deploying its troops near Israel's border, and ordering the evacuation of the U.N. buffer force from the Sinai Peninsula.

