Statistics for Islam in Barbados estimate a Muslim population of over 4000, most of whom are immigrants or descendants of immigrants from the Indian state of Gujarat. A few immigrants from Guyana, Trinidad, South Asia, and the Middle East, as well as about 200 native-born persons, constitute the rest of the growing Muslim community, representing 1.50 percent of the population Close to 90 percent of all Barbadians (also known colloquially as Bajan) are of African descent (Afro-Bajans), mostly descendants of the slave labourers on the sugar plantations. The remainder of the population includes groups of Europeans (Euro-Bajans), Asians, Bajan Hindus and Muslims, and an influential Middle Eastern (Arab-Bajans) group mainly of Syrian and Lebanese descent.
There are three mosques, a musallah, an Islamic Academy, one Muslim school and various other Islamic organisations. To name them, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Barbados, which was established in 2011, The Islamic Academy of Barbados, The Barbados Muslim Association, The Islamic Teaching Center, The Institute of Islamic Propagation and Thought, The Medinah Foundation and The Al-Falah Muslim School. Mosques include the Jumma Masjid, Madina Masjid (formerly City Masjid) and the Makki Masjid.
Three masajid and the musallah have fixed times for daily five times prayers along with weekly lecture programmes on Qur'an and Hadith. These masajid also have Islamic classes which teach Qur'an and Sunnah to children from four years of age.
IAB is an organisation established in 1998 under the patronage of the esteem Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullah to engender a greater understanding of Islam in young and old alike, amongst Muslims and interested Non-Muslims. To achieve this aim the IAB produces leaflets on various Islamic aspects along with contemporary issues facing the Muslims of today, quarterly Journal Sa'wtus Saahil, weekly broadcast of lecture, Monthly Programme for children from age of 10 & over, Youth programme for youth over 16, Annual Da'wah Conference, Annual Sister Conference, meetings with interested Non-Muslims, Islamic educational classes, religious counseling and fatawaa section (for Islamic jurisprudent guidance).