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This name is of the Goddess Durga, the Divine Mother.

Ishwara means the supreme Lord who has a royal and ruling nature. Ishwari is His divine counterpart. She is God's force and infinite strength represented in a form as an all-powerful, sovereign Goddess who reigns over all the worlds.

The description quoted below for Devi pertains also to Ishwari. She is the essence of energy - the feminine / divine mother principle - as Ishwara is the essence of awareness - the masculine / divine father principle... and all forms in creation are expressions of inseparable consciousness and energy. she is the greatest source of energy in the whole universe

Because Ishwara and Ishwari are pure essences rather than forms there are no images for them, and so the Hindu Goddesses arose - such as Durga, Kali, Saraswati, Lakshmi, Uma, and many others - from the human desire for the feminine principle to appear more relatable.

