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Ishak Bey

Ishak Bey
Гробот на Исхак-бег 2 (2016).jpeg
The grave of Ishak Bey in Skopje
Place of burial Skopje, modern day Macedonia
Allegiance Ottoman Empire
Years of service 15th century
Rank sanjakbey

Ishak Bey or Ishak-Beg was an Ottoman governor and soldier, the sanjakbey of Üsküb from 1415 to 1439.

According to some sources he was a member of the Bosnian Hranušić family, released slave and adopted son of Pasha Yiğit Bey. That is disputed with opinion that Pasha Yigit Bey was indeed a biological father of Ishak Bey.

Ishak was appointed ruler by Porte at the time of the conquest of Foča, Čajniče, Pljevlja and Nevesinje in today's Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In 1420 Ishak Bey organized an unsuccessful campaign in Bosnia to support Sandalj's struggle against his enemies.

In attempt to relieve Ottoman pressure during the Siege of Thessalonica Venice inspired Gjon Kastrioti to rebel against Ottomans in 1428. After Ottomans captured Thessalonica in April 1430 their forces led by Ishak bey captured most of Gjon's land. He positioned Ottoman garrison in two Gjon's castles and destroyed rest of them. In December 1434 during an Albanian revolt he marched in south-central Albania but was defeated by Gjergj Arianiti. Contemporary sources from the senate of Ragusa mention that many Ottoman soldiers were captured, while Ishak Bey escaped with a small group.

In 1439, when he was returning from his trip to Mecca, he was ordered by the sultan to join forces of Şihabeddin Pasha and besiege Novo Brdo, important fortified mining town of Serbian Despotate. On 6 August 1439 the Ottoman forces under Ishak-Beg defeated forces of Serbian Despotate in a battle fought near Novo Brdo. In November 1443 he commanded one of Ottoman armies during the Battle of Niš which ended with Ottoman defeat.

