International Youth Nuclear Congress (IYNC) is a global non-profit organization connecting students and young professionals engaged in all areas of nuclear science and technology. IYNC was formally founded in April, 2000 during the first congress held in Bratislava, Slovakia.
The main goals of IYNC are:
The main activity of IYNC is organization of biennial conferences for students and young professionals from different countries. In addition, IYNC coordinates and promotes networking, exchange of opinions and expertise among young professionals, facilitates establishment and supports activities of regional young generation networks that are in-line with IYNC goals.
The IYNC official mission statement adopted at the first congress reads as follows:
We, as representatives of the new generation of professionals in the nuclear field agree to seize the opportunity of IYNC 2000 by creating an international network, the "International Youth Nuclear Congress", to
IYNC is a forum for presenting scientific, political, social and corporate opinions related to various aspects of nuclear technology for comprehensive discussion of the subject. IYNC promotes and encourages such broad and open discussion because this is the young generation of nuclear professionals who will put this technology to use and face its challenges in the future.
The list of subjects covered and discussed at IYNC include: design, construction, operation and safety of the existing and future nuclear energy systems, nuclear fuel cycle, nuclear chemistry and materials, thermal hydraulics, radiation science, technology and medical applications, policy, economics and human resources, nuclear fusion science and technology, as well as activities of young generation networks.
The IYNC slogan is: “Youth, Future, Nuclear”
In the mid-1990s, the popularity of nuclear science and technology had been on a twenty-year decline. This fall in popularity resulted in a similar fall in new specialists entering the nuclear field. In comparison, most predictions of future energy requirements in a carbon-constrained world, clearly pointed that all available options should be pursued including nuclear energy.
This latter fact was recognized by a group of young nuclear professionals who initiated the idea of holding an International Youth Nuclear Congress (IYNC) in 1997. This idea was grounded in their belief that the efforts the young generation organizations were making in promoting the nuclear industry in individual countries would be more efficient and have more impact if integrated globally. Such global integration required the gathering together of people interested in collaborating within the nuclear field.