The International Vaccine Institute (IVI) is an international nonprofit organization that was founded on the belief that the health of children in developing countries can be dramatically improved by the use of new and improved vaccines. Working in collaboration with the international scientific community, public health organizations, governments, and industry, IVI is involved in all areas of the vaccine spectrum – from new vaccine design in the laboratory to vaccine development and evaluation in the field to facilitating sustainable introduction of vaccines in countries where they are most needed.
Created initially as an initiative of the UN Development Programme (UNDP), IVI began formal operations as an independent international organization in 1997 in Seoul, Republic of Korea. Currently, IVI has 40 countries and the World Health Organization (WHO) as signatories to its Establishment Agreement. The Institute has a unique mandate to work exclusively on vaccine development and introduction specifically for people in developing countries, with a focus on neglected diseases affecting these regions.
In accordance with the Article VIII of the Constitution of the International Vaccine Institute, the organs of the Institute are i) the Board of Trustees and ii) the Director and staff.
As functions and powers of the Board, the Board is liable for all the affairs of the IVI. Thus, its role shall ensure that, in accordance with the Article X of the Constitution, i) the Institute follows objectives, programs and plans that are consistent with its aims and with the broad goals and objectives of the CVI, and ii) the Institute is managed effectively by the Director in harmony with the agreed objectives, programs and budgets, and with in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements.
The composition of the Board of Trustees consists of not less than seventeen nor more than twenty-two members, as stated by the Article IX of the Constitution. However, in selecting the members of the Board, IVI has to follow following rules: 1) Up to ten members-at-large elected by the Board. Regard shall be paid especially to proposed members’ professional experience and qualifications, to appropriate geographical distribution, to agencies and countries which have concern for and provide substantial support to the Institute, or to countries where major facilities are located; 2) two members appointed by the host country; 3) two members appointed by WHO; 4) up to five members elected by the Board upon recommendation of governments of the Parties to this Agreement; 5) one member elected by the Board upon recommendation of UNDP; 6) the Executive Secretary of the GAVI, or his representative, as a member ex officio; and 7) the Director of the Institute as a member ex officio.