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International Association of Oil & Gas Producers

The International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) is a global forum in which members identify and share best practices to achieve improvements in health, safety, the environment, security, social responsibility, engineering and operations.

The association was formed in London in 1974 to develop effective communications between the upstream industry and an increasingly complex network of international regulators. Originally called the E&P Forum (for oil and gas exploration and production), in 1999 the name International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) was adopted. Most of the world’s leading publicly traded, private and state-owned oil & gas companies, oil & gas associations and major upstream service companies are members. IOGP members produce more than a third of the world’s oil and gas.

IOGP also represent the interests of the upstream industry before international regulators and legislators in UN bodies such as the International Maritime Organization and the Commission for Sustainable Development. IOGP also works with the World Bank and with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). It is also accredited to a range of regional bodies that include OSPAR, the Helsinki Commission and the Barcelona Convention, and provides a conduit for advocacy and debate between the upstream industry and the European Union (EU). This involves regular contact with the European Commission and the European Parliament.

Every year, IOGP collects and publishes data on upstream operations worldwide, both onshore and offshore, from participating member companies and their contractor employees. The reports are free and publicly available. The data covers:

Occupational safety:

Since 1985, when IOGP started reporting annual trends in upstream safety data, there have been considerable improvements in industry performance.

Today, it is the industry’s largest database of safety performance, covering participating member company employees and their contractors onshore and offshore, worldwide. Fatal incidents are analysed by incident category, activity and associated causal factors, and incident descriptions are provided for fatal incidents and high potential events.

