An intelligent banknote neutralisation system (IBNS) is a security system which protects valuables against unauthorised access to its contents by rendering it unusable by marking all the cash as stolen by a degradation agent when an attempted attack on the system is detected. Ink is a popular agent, which functions by staining cash with a permanent dye. Such marked money is highly conspicuous and cannot be readily used.
Well neutralised banknotes cannot be brought back into circulation easily. They can be linked to the crime scene and restricted procedures are in place to exchange them at the financial institution. This makes stealing neutralised banknotes uneconomical and impractical. The IBNS removes the anticipated reward of the crime and increases the risk of being caught. This not only foils the theft but acts as a deterrent against further attacks.
In Europe the design of intelligent systems to protect valuables began in 1980. The overall goal was to create a secure system to provide additional security for Cash-in-transit. The very first IBNS prototype using coloured smoke as neutralisation agent was invented in UK ([Saltash]) by the UK company Spinnaker in 1982. This made use of very lightweight and simple to use containers. In 1990 the first industrialized End-to-End IBNS using security ink as a neutralization agent and accepted to be used in soft-skinned vehicles was introduced to the Belgium market by French company Axytrans. At the same time in Sweden IBNS systems manufactured by Spinnaker using colored smoke and IBNS containers manufactured by StrongPoint Cash Security using ink from Sipca, were being used in soft-skinned vehicles to great effect, showing that they were a viable alternative to cash transport using armoured trucks. Due to local regulations the Swedish market decided to move on with the StrongPoint IBNS container.
In 1991 France changed its regulations to allow the use of IBNS in soft-skinned vehicles. The French CIT company VALTIS was the first to implement such a system to service three regional banks.
In 2002, Banque de France implemented an international procedure to treat and exchange neutralized banknotes for CIT professionals.
In 2003, the European Central Bank made a decision that defined the process and cost of exchanging neutralized Euro Banknotes among all National Central Banks in Europe.
In 2005, Banque de France implemented a special procedure regarding the treatment of stained banknotes deposited by private persons.