The Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE) is a worldwide body that provides research, training, conferences and professional qualifications for firefighters and civilians who work in fields related to fire fighting, the science of fire fighting and prevention, and related technology.
The IFE was established in 1918 and upholds professional standards within all public and private fire sectors by offering assessment of knowledge, experience and development and engages with major stakeholders to offer international conferences, identify and promote good practice and enhance technical networks worldwide. The IFE is also an Ofqual recognised Awarding Organisation. Members are involved in a number of areas such as: fire dynamics including ignition, chemistry and toxicology; consultations with government in the drafting and implementation of fire safety legislation and regulations; structural fire protection of buildings; fire insurance and arson investigation; behaviour pattern of persons faced with emergencies; fire detection and alarm systems, fire appliances and automatic fire fighting systems Specialist interest groups include Fire modelling, heritage buildings, transport, fire investigation and research.
Grades of membership: Affiliate, Student, Technician (TIFireE), Graduate (GIFireE), Associate (AIFireE), Member (MIFireE), Fellow (FIFireE)
The mission of the Institution is encourage and improve the science and practice of fire extinction, fire prevention and fire engineering and all operations and expedients connected therewith, and to give an impulse to ideas likely to be useful in connection with or in relation to such science and practice to the members of the Institution and to the community at large.
The IFE has c. 10,000 members with 19 UK branches and 22 International branches
The IFE has been a licensed member of the Engineering Council since 2007 and can register those members that meet the necessary criteria as Chartered Engineers (CEng), Incorporated Engineers (IEng) or Engineering Technicians (EngTech).Number of professionally registered members in 2011 were; • 173 EngTech • 32 IEng • 238 CEng
The Institution also manages a Register of Fire Risk Assessors and Auditors.
The IFE head office moved to Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire in 2011 from its former home at the Fire Service College at Moreton in Marsh.
Affiliate - The title of Affiliate is available for individual fire engineers with an interest in fire engineering, who wish to take part in the IFE's activities but have not, at this stage, met the requirements of a membership grade. Affiliate members are entitled to such rights and privileges as non-corporate members. Affiliate members may make reference to their affiliation to the IFE.