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Inspection of the Foreign Legion

Particularly following World War I, the French Foreign Legion grew exponentially reputable and important in the French Army. Accordingly, new regiments have been formed which one of them was the 1st Foreign Cavalry Regiment.

During the interwar period and in 1930, following the creation of the 5th Foreign Infantry Regiment in Tonkin, the Legion stood strong at 30,000 Legionnaires . Accordingly, the need to organize the Legion was necessary and also the need to provide a clear structure of command that would safe keep the evolution of the legion in relation to the foreign service of its volunteers proved to be even more important. On March 2, 1931, the Chief of the Defence staff, a Général, signs the instruction of two formulations, which rather initial, would be the main founding legislative pillar acts of the Inspection of the Foreign Legion.

This reorganization has been mainly and for a while preoccupied by the intentions of the colonel Paul-Frédéric Rollet while commanding the 1st Foreign Regiment. Since 1928, Marshal of France Louis Franchet d'Espèrey exposed in reports argumenting in favor of a new organization of the legion in reason of the increase of general enlistmnents and the existence of combat regiments mainly depending on two different arms, the infantry and armoured cavalry.

