Infinity Limited is an Australian science education television series produced by the ABC in Melbourne in 1983 and 1984. Despite the show's short run, it proved popular with primary school kids around Australia.
The show starred Stefan Dennis and Kim Trengove as Rick and Kristal who run a small business called Infinity Ltd. (Dennis later left the show in late 1983 and was replaced by Mark Little). Infinity were generally called upon to solve basic science-based problems for people. Their office was located above the basement/office of Vortex Ventures, a company who makes it their business to try and steal Infinity Ltd's customers, usually without success. Ross Williams starred as Valerian J. Vortex, the inept owner of Vortex Ventures, with Ian Scott as Plankton, his long suffering assistant who often showed signs that he was smarter than Vortex gave him credit for. Plankton is often made to perform tasks he is not happy with, such as climbing the air conditioning duct in order to eavesdrop on Infinity Ltd.