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Inelastic neutron scattering

Inelastic neutron scattering is an experimental technique commonly used in condensed matter research to study atomic and molecular motion as well as magnetic and crystal field excitations. It distinguishes itself from other neutron scattering techniques by resolving the change in kinetic energy that occurs when the collision between neutrons and the sample is an inelastic one. Results are generally communicated as the dynamic structure factor (also called inelastic scattering law) , sometimes also as the dynamic susceptibility where the scattering vector is the difference between incoming and outgoing wave vector, and is the energy change experienced by the sample (negative that of the scattered neutron). When results are plotted as function of , they can often be interpreted in the same way as spectra obtained by conventional spectroscopic techniques; insofar as inelastic neutron scattering can be seen as a special spectroscopy.

