Industrial sickness is defined in sri lanka as "an industrial company (being a company registered for not less than five years) which has, at the end of any financial year, accumulated losses equal to, or exceeding, its entire net worth and has also suffered cash losses in such financial year and the financial year immediately preceding such financial year".
Industrial sickness is an umbrella term applied to various things associated with industry that make people ill and cause them to miss work. The solutions will have to be tailored to the specific industry, and only in that way can any real effect be made on improving the health and productivity of the industrial workforce.
The key is an aggressive work-up on the health issues for a given segment of the industrial workforce, and usually broken down by type of work (which makes sense). Even as coal miners face overpowering respiratory threats, and foundry and mill workers have to confront major physical threats from large (heavy) quantities of extremely hot materials, each facet of industrial production has its hot-button health issues.
Industrial health managers need training and experience identifying and remediating conditions that present major health threats to their respective workforces. Then they can train the rest of management and can teach the workers themselves about the best way to carry out their jobs with minimum threats to their health.
According to Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002
"'Sick Industrial Company' means an industrial company which has
i) The Accumulated losses in any financial year equal to 50 per cent or more of its average net worth during four years immediately preceding such financial year; or
ii) Failed to repay its debts within any three consecutive quarters on demand made in writing for its repayment by a creditor or creditors of such company."
Industrial sickness specially in small-scale Industry has been always a demerit for the Indian economy, because more and more industries like – cotton, Jute, Sugar, Textiles small steel and engineering industries are being affected by this sickness problem.