The following is a list of characters from the light novel, manga and anime series, A Certain Magical Index, and its side-story manga and anime series, A Certain Scientific Railgun. The series primarily takes place in Academy City, a city filled with students who strive to become powerful espers, which is brought into conflict by the appearance of magicians.
The unnamed high school that Tōma and his friends attend.
Nagatenjōki Academy (長点上機学園 Nagatenjōki Gakuen) is a school where Accelerator attends, it is one of the top five most prestigious schools in Academy City, supposedly the number one. Unlike Tokiwadai, entry is not restricted to just espers but normal students with no powers are allowed admittance as well. It was also stated to have beaten Tokiwadai in Daihaisai Festival last year and this year.
Tokiwadai Middle School (常盤台中学 Tokiwadai Chūgaku) is a school where Mikoto Misaka attends, it is one of the elite five schools of Academy City. This elite girls middle school is located within District 7, the School Garden. As one of the most renowned girl schools in the world, all of the students come from rich backgrounds and are at least Level 3 espers, a requirement to enroll there. The school has the honor of having two of the Level 5 espers studying there.
Kirigaoka Academy for Girls (霧ヶ丘女学院 Kirigaoka Jyogakuin) is one of the five elite schools of Academy City, this girls high school is unique as unlike other schools, only students with rare and unique powers are allowed to enroll.
An ordinary middle school where two of the protagonists from A Certain Scientific Railgun are enrolled.
Skill-Outs are Level 0 gangs who often use various means to fight espers to compensate for their lack of powers.
The Board of Directors consists of twelve people who hold absolute authority in Academy City, with only the thirteenth director, the General Superintendent, above them. Under their administration, they govern the city's everyday activities from funding scientific projects and research to the welfare of its citizens.