Imanuel Geiss (actually Imanuel Geiß; 9 February 1931 – 20 February 2012) was a German historian.
Imanuel Geiss was born in Frankfurt am Main, the youngest of the five children of a working-class family affected by the economic crisis. His unemployed father had to raise the children alone as their mother suffered from meningitis. She was killed in 1941 by Aktion T4 after the father had died in 1940. The five children were brought to a rather liberal orphan home which made it possible for Imanuel to study after completing his Abitur in 1951 at Carl-Schurz-Gymnasium.
He became a certified translator for French and English at the Auslands- und Dolmetscherinstitut in Germersheim, which allowed him to finance studies beginning in 1955.
Geiss died, aged 81, in Bremen.