The Ignatian pedagogical paradigm is a way of learning and a method of teaching taken from the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola. It is based in St. Ignatius Loyola's Spiritual Exercises, and takes a holistic view of the world.
The three main elements are Experience, Reflection, and Action. A pre-learning element, Context, and a post-learning element, Evaluation, are also necessary for the method's success, bringing the total to five elements. Ignatian pedagogy uses this dynamic five-step method along with an Ignatian vision of the human and the world to "accompany the learner in their growth and development."
The Ignatian pedagogical paradigm is also used in spiritual retreats and learning experiences as an active means of developing and questioning one's own conscience, as well as in making sound and conscientious decisions.
The Ignatian pedagogical paradigm (IPP) is over 450 years old. In 1599, the first official version of the method was published in Ratio Studiorum (Latin for "plan of studies")(Ratio), although the method was not called the "Ignatian pedagogical paradigm" in Ratio. Still, the basic method was present. In the ensuing centuries, Jesuit institutions of learning around the world have adopted the methods laid out in Ratio and refined by others through the years.
The context in which the learner finds himself or herself is important. This is partly the real circumstances of a student's life which include family, peers, social situations, the educational institution, politics, economics, cultural climate, the church situation, media, music and so on.
The socio-economic, political and cultural contexts must not be forgotten, as these can seriously affect his or her growth as a person for others. Cultures of poverty usually negatively affect expectations about success; oppressive political regimes usually discourage open inquiry. These and many other factors may stifle the freedom encouraged by Ignatian pedagogy.
As mentioned above, the institutional environment of the learning center is part of the context.
Prior learning is part of the context. Points of view and insights acquired from earlier study or spontaneously acquired from their environment are part of the context. Their feelings and attitudes regarding the subject matter also form part of the real context for learning.
"The learning experience is expected to move beyond rote knowledge to the development of the more complex learning skills of understanding, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. . . .We use the term experience to describe any activity in which in addition to a cognitive grasp of the matter being considered, some sensation of an affective nature is registered by the student. . . .In his pedagogy, Ignatius highlights the affective/evaluative stage of the learning process because he is conscious that in addition to letting one 'sense and taste,' i.e., deepen one's experience, affective feelings are motivational forces that move one's understanding to action and commitment."