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Ida Marie Honoré

Ida Marie Honoré Grant (June 4, 1854 – September 5, 1930) was an American socialite, philanthropist, and ambassador's wife.

Born Ida Marie Honoré in Louisville, Kentucky, her father was businessman Henry Hamilton Honoré. Ida attended St. Xavier School and Dearborn Seminary in Chicago, and graduated from Georgetown Visitation Monastery in Washington, D.C., in 1874. She achieved a reputation as a skilled musician on harp and piano. It was during her time in Washington, D.C. that she met and began to be courted by Frederick Dent Grant, oldest son of US President Ulysses Simpson Grant.

Ida married Grant in her parent's home on October 20, 1874, with the President and First Lady in attendance. She was twenty years of age. In the biography written about her sister Bertha Palmer entitled "Silhouette in Diamonds," the wedding feast was provided by Bertha's husband Potter Palmer and included stewed terrapin, escalloped oysters, sweetbread patties, turkey, snipe, chicken or lobster salad, boned quail in jelly, ices, charlotte russe, fresh fruits and frappéed champagne, port, and sherry. Following a brief honeymoon, Ida left to live with her mother and father-in-law at the White House while her husband Fred continued in military service with General Custer in the Black Hills expedition of 1875.

The birth of each of the children carried an unusual element. Julia's birth saved her father's life; Fred Grant received leave to travel to Washington, D.C., in honor of her arrival. Had he remained with Custer's unit, he would have been in the Battle of the Little Bighorn (June 25–26, 1876) in which Custer's entire 7th Cavalry Regiment of the United States Army was killed. The birth of Ulysses III resulted in his mother's invalidism for an extended period of time and caused lifelong health issues.

Frederick Dent Grant resigned from the army in 1881, and assisted his father in preparing the latter's memoirs. During this time, he was in business in New York City.

