"I Done It My Way" is an episode of the BBC sitcom, The Green Green Grass. It aired on 19 February 2009, as the seventh episode of the fourth series. This episode acted as a ‘clip show’ for both Only Fools and Horses and The Green Green Grass. In total, the episode contained around forty clips, some of which were made specially for this episode.
With a microphone and a tape recorder, Boycie recalls the big issues in his life in what he intends to be a classic - a life manual and an important book for future generations. Boycie's story begins as he recalls his Peckham days, with flashback memories to his South London life with Del Boy, Rodney and the rest of the gang. He fondly remembers his friendships, their adventures, the subsequent move to Shropshire and his new life on the farm. His memories of the old days proves surprisingly enlightening for him and hilarious for Marlene.
Archive Appearances (In order of appearance)
This episode has not yet been broadcast. (This is contradicted by the second sentence of this page "It aired on 19 February 2009, as the seventh episode of the fourth series.")
The UK DVD has been released for Series 4 but does not include this episode for copyright reasons, because of the archive clips used.
The following list of clips is from the episode I Done It My Way. The information displayed below is taken from the original broadcast of the episode.