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ILO Conventions

The list of International Labour Organization Conventions totals 190 laws which aim to improve the labour standards of people around the world. There are eight fundamental Conventions (on prohibition of forced labour, child labour, the right to organize in a trade union, and suffer no discrimination) which are binding upon every member country of the International Labour Organization from the fact of membership, since the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work in 1998. The other Conventions are binding upon member countries whose legislatures have chosen to ratify them. Once ratified, because there is no international labour court as such, Conventions rely for their enforcement upon the jurisprudence of domestic courts.

From the 190 Conventions in total, there are 8 fundamental Conventions, binding on every member regardless of ratification, and a further 71 Conventions that are up to date and in force. The subjects covered by the Conventions concern, first and in the most numerous group, individual rights at work, mainly on safety, wage standards, working time, or social security, and the rights to not be forced to work or work during childhood. Second are collective labour rights to participation in the workplace, particularly to join a trade union, collectively bargain and take strike action, as well as direct representation within the management of organizations. Third, there are a series of rights to equal treatment, that are referential to the terms and conditions of people in comparable situations, with special protections for indigenous communities and migrants. Fourth, a set of Conventions promote job security, through standards for dismissals, protection upon an employer's insolvency, regulation of employment agencies and requirements upon member states to promote full and fulfilling employment. Fifth, there are 6 Conventions which require administrative apparatus by governments to enforce and promote labour standards, such as through inspections, collecting statistics, developing training and consulting with unions and employers before passing legislation. Seafarers are the subject of 12 specific Conventions because of the frequently international nature of their work, and a further 6 Conventions relate to conditions in the fishing, plantation, hotels, nursing, home and domestic work, where employees may be particularly vulnerable.

