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The International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) is a global organisation for researchers and professionals working in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) to conduct research, develop standards and promote information sharing.

Established in 1960 under the auspices of UNESCO, IFIP is recognised by the United Nations and links some 50 national and international societies and academies of science with a total membership of over half a million professionals. IFIP is based in Laxenburg, Austria and is an international, non-governmental organisation that operates on a non-profit basis.

IFIP activities are coordinated by 13 Technical Committees (TCs) which are organised into more than 100 Working Groups (WGs), bringing together over 3,500 ICT professionals and researchers from around the world to conduct research, develop standards and promote information sharing. Each TC covers a particular aspect of computing and related disciplines, as detailed below.

IFIP actively promotes the principle of open access and proceedings for which IFIP holds the copyright are made available electronically via IFIP's Open Access Digital Library. Downloading articles from IFIP's Open DL is not only free of charge, but unlike commercial publishers and other professional organisations, IFIP does not charge authors of open access articles to publish in its Open DL.

Conference and workshop organizers who prefer printed proceedings can take advantage of the agreement between IFIP and Springer and publish their proceedings as part of IFIP's Advances in Information and Communication Technology (AICT) series or in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. Proceedings published by Springer in IFIP's LNCS and AICT series will be included within IFIP's Open DL after an embargo period of three years.

An important activity of the IFIP Technical Committees is to organise and sponsor high quality conferences and workshops in the field of ICT. Sponsoring is generally in the form of Best Paper Awards (BPA) and/or Student Travel Grants (STG). To assist conference and workshop organisers, IFIP has facilities to host conference websites and supports conference management systems such as JEMS, which include export functions that seamlessly integrate with IFIP's Open DL.

