100BaseVG is a 100 Mbit/s Ethernet standard specified to run over four pairs of category 3 UTP wires (known as voice grade, hence the "VG"). It is also called 100VG-AnyLAN because it was defined to carry both Ethernet and token ring frame types.
100BaseVG was originally proposed by Hewlett-Packard, ratified by the ISO in 1995 and was practically extinct by 1998.
100BaseVG started in the IEEE 802.3 committee as Fast Ethernet. One faction wanted to keep CSMA/CD in order to keep it pure Ethernet, even though the collision domain problem limited the distances to one tenth that of 10BASE-T. Another faction wanted to change to a polling architecture from the hub (they called it "Demand Priority Protocol") in order to maintain the 10BASE-T distances, and also to make it a deterministic protocol. The first faction argued that, since IEEE 802.3 was the Ethernet committee, it was not the place to develop a different protocol. Thus, the IEEE 802.12 committee was formed and standardized 100BaseVG.
The physical layer requires four twisted pairs of "voice-grade" cabling for a link, so category 3 cables or better can be used. While control signaling uses two pairs for each direction simultaneously, all four pairs are switched to a single direction during data transmission, as required and defined during control signaling. This makes 100BaseVG an inherently half-duplex medium like e.g. 10BASE5 (yet faster) but without the CSMA/CD drawbacks.
100BaseVG also supports full-duplex operation over optical fiber or over two pairs of shielded twisted pair.