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Hymns for Today's Church

Hymnals, also called hymnbooks (or hymn books) and occasionally hymnaries, are books of hymns sung by religious congregations. The following is a list of English-language hymnals by denomination.

Note: Not all congregations use a hymnal from their own denomination. For example there are churches in the Evangelical Lutheran Synod that use the two oldest LCMS hymnals as well as the current WELS hymnal.

See Friends

The official sacred music of most of the Roman Catholic Church (specifically, the Roman Rite) is in the form of Gregorian chant, and appears in the Roman Missal and the Roman Gradual. The Missal contains all that is to be sung during Mass by the priest at the altar, while the Gradual contains all the music sung by the choir. The standard Roman Gradual contains complex Gregorian Chant while the Graduale Simplex substitutes easier Gregorian chants. All of these are in Latin, and are published for use throughout most of the Latin Rite (the vast majority of Roman Catholic parishes).

Of Eastern Catholic rites, several of these have hymnals and service books translated in whole or in part into English. The Byzantine Rite Catholics generally use the same music as the Eastern Orthodox, although some specific Catholic translations of some hymn books into English do exist. All of the Byzantine Rite churches, and their Eastern Orthodox counterparts, use essentially the same lyrics in their hymns; the primary difference between different Byzantine Rite Catholic churches, such as between Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Church and the Melkite Catholic Church of Antioch, is in the form of the music used. The churches of the Rusyn ethnic group, which following the Union of Brest became Eastern Catholics developed a form of congregational singing known as Prostopinije; recently, many Rusyns in the United States and central Europe have rejoined the Eastern Orthodox church, but Prostopinije remains in use by both groups of Carpatho-Rusyn heritage, and has been adapted for use in both traditional and modern English.

