Hviezdoslavovo námestie (literally Hviezdoslav Square) is one of the best-known squares in Bratislava. It is located in the Old Town, between the New Bridge and the Slovak National Theatre. The square is named after Pavol Országh Hviezdoslav.
This square's names were earlier: (Hungarian: Kossuth Lajos tér-German: Kossuth Lajos platz, Hungarian: Radetzky tér-German: Radetzky platz, Hungarian: Séta tér-German: Promenade)
This square existed in the Kingdom of Hungary for 1000 years. Many of medieval houses were built here. Northern part of this square there are Kőszeghy, Eszterházy,Széchen, Stáhl, Záborszky, Pálffy, Sulkovszky Maldeghem, Malatinszky, Werner houses and southern part of square there are Spineger, Gervay, Löw-Palugyay, Kozics, Wigand, Adler, Pollák, Sprinzl houses. The most notable buildings are the Notre Dame cloister and today's Slovak National Theatre which can be found in the eastern part of square. Earlier the most important noblemen sent their daughters to learn in this cloister, for example: Pálffy, Forgách, Harrach, Lichtenstein.
On 17 March 1848 the Hungarian national leader, Lajos Kossuth proclaimed from Hotel Zöldfa (literally : Greenwood)'s balcony: "Hungary's reborn" to the assembling mass at this square because Ferdinand V signed March laws at the Primate's Palace last day. First Hungarian fancing school's practising hall also worked here. Lajos Kossuth, Franz Joseph, Albert Einstein and Alfred Nobel stayed at this hotel too. This hotel was today's Hotel Carlton's place.