Since its inception in 1994, the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU) (Hungarian: Társaság a Szabadságjogokért, and its acronym TASZ) is a leading non-governmental organization in the field of human rights and harm reduction advocacy in Hungary. Patterned on the successful model of the American Civil Liberties Union's work in the United States, HCLU provides legal aid and advocacy for vulnerable populations, such as drug users, psychiatric patients, and people living with HIV/AIDS, as well as providing public information on related issues. In 2016, HCLU provided legal counsel and representation in 118 unique cases.
On 11 January 2017, Szilárd Németh, vice-president of the ruling FIDESZ party named HCLU as one of the three key civil organizations (alongside Transparency International and the Hungarian Helsinki Committee) that need to be restricted in Hungary. On 2 April 2017, the government submitted an amendment intending to oblige civil organisations receiving over HUF 7.2 million (about USD 25 000) annual subsidies from abroad to register. On 12 April 2017, tens of thousands protested against the proposed legislation on Budapest's Heroes Square.
The HCLU’s main objective is to ensure the protection of fundamental rights and principles in Hungary. Its activities are focusing on fields where infringements are frequent, and victims are in particularly vulnerable positions. HCLU aims to protect the principle of personal liberty, human dignity and privacy. Its declared ambition is that the state would restrict fundamental rights only with especially serious reasons, only to the extent that is considered absolutely necessary and solely based on law, while ensuring required procedural guarantees.
HCLU focuses on:
Legal protection
Legal development
Informing the public
Patients’ Rights Programme The Patients’ Rights Programme deals with patients’ rights guaranteed by the Act on Health Care and with other general patients’ rights issues. This program pays special attention to issues related to people’s right to make informed decisions about themselves, such as reproductive freedoms (abortion, contraception, artificial insemination, surrogacy, oocyte donation, home birth, etc.), the right to refuse treatment, euthanasia, and the rights of the intellectually disabled.