Hungária was a Hungarian pop-rock ground that was established in 1967 by Miklós Fenyő and disbanded in 1982. Some of the members then continued their work in Dolly Roll. After 1983 the band was reformed under the name Modern Hungária. In the late 1960s they mostly played beat and psychedelic rock, around 1970 they moved towards hard rock, and in the 1980s a new line up with the original lead singer, Miklós Fenyő performed rockabilly and rock and roll songs. In 1968, they won in Hungarian competition with their song Nem bújok én már többé már a subába. In the mid-1970s, the band performed in Eastern Germany. In 1978, Hungária recorded and album with cover versions of Beatles songs. Their 1980 album entitled Rock and Roll Party was sold in 40 thousand copies in the first month alone, their 1981 SP Limbó hintó was sold in more than 250 thousand copies. Their 1981 LP Hotel Menthol was a huge success, more than 600,000 copies were sold. In March 1982, they held a concert at Népstadion in front of 150,000 people.