Humans (люди) of the Noon Universe created by Boris and Arkady Strugatsky are mostly identical to Homo sapiens. Humans inhabit numerous planets, but their original homeworld is probably Earth, others being populated by humans, presumably, as a result of Wanderers' manipulations.
The following planets had a local human civilization when Earth's explorers arrived:
Earth is assumed to be the origin of human race, since it was the oldest and most technologically advanced planet in the known Universe of 22nd century.
Humans are typical humanoids. All over the Noon Universe they are visually identical to inhabitants of today's Earth.
On different planets human civilizations show different stages of technological advancement.
The least developed human planet of Noon Universe is probably Pant. It is mentioned in "The Little One" that its inhabitants still live in tribes (probably, nomadic) and have absolutely no idea of cosmography. In fact, it was believed that Pantians won't even notice that they were transported from their own planet to another one in the course of "Ark Project".
Saula is an example of an early feudalistic society. Its inhabitants can produce simple melee weapons and build houses and palaces. They have managed to create a number of states, all of them - monarchies close to despotism. A division of the society into higher and lower class is also obvious. seems to have an idea of philosophy and politics.
Arkanar is an example of a late feudalistic/Renaissance society. Great empires have risen and fallen, giving space to smaller countries whose political system varies from absolute monarchy to republic and theocracy (see the main article for more info). Arts and science are blooming, even though fiercely opposed by reactionist fractions (most of them - religious ones).