The House of Finance is an interdisciplinary research and teaching institute for law and economics at Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany. Its mission is to evolve into a leading European and, ultimately, international center for financial research.
The House of Finance employs around 170 researchers, including some 30 professors, and comprises 3 research departments and eight affiliated institutes, some of which are legally autonomous:
The House of Finance is a public-private partnership. It is not only financed through state resources but also through private sponsors. In March 2011, Goethe-University founded the House of Finance Foundation to support the financing of all activities within the House of Finance in the areas of research and education. President of the board of trustees of the House of Finance is Otmar Issing.
Many publications by associated scholars have appeared in top international journals, such as the American Economic Review, the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial Economics and the Journal of Banking and Finance, and also extend in many German legal commentaries and monographs.
According to the survey by the German business journal Handelsblatt in 2012, Goethe University's Business Administration Department ranks seventh among all comparable departments in German speaking countries. In 2013 the Department of Economics ranks seventh. According to the Handelsblatt ranking 2013 House of Finance researcher Roman Inderst is the best performing economic researcher in all German speaking countries.
As part of an alliance with the Goethe-University, Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz and Darmstadt's Technical University, the Graduate School of Economics, Finance, and Management (GSEFM) at the House of Finance runs structured PhD programs that enable graduates to engage in new fields of research and to pursue careers in academia.