The Hooded Swan Series (or Star Pilot Grainger Series) is a series of science fiction novels by Brian Stableford, published in the early 1970s, beginning with Halcyon Drift (1972). It consists of six books, which have also been collected in an omnibus entitled Swan Songs: The Complete Hooded Swan Collection (2001).
The series is set in the far future and possesses some of the features of space opera and planetary romance. It is narrated in the first person by the main character, Grainger, a well-known independent pilot. Grainger is acerbic, sarcastic, and generally disagreeable on principle, attempting to keep himself isolated from others where possible. Grainger serves as something as an unreliable narrator with respect to his own feelings and motivations.
To balance this out, Stableford uses the device of an alien symbiote, referred to as the wind who is privy to all of Grainger's thoughts and wants to make him a better person. It also calls Grainger out on some of his self-deception.
Grainger is also privy to "The Wind"'s memories from times and places unknown to any other human - all of which he keeps to himself, though in several episodes it is clear that the information would have been highly appreciated by Grainger's employers.
Grainger is one of the few examples of pacifist (in the pragmatic sense) lead characters in science fiction, and is made all the more remarkable by the fact that he is something of an anti-hero.
The series is the story of star pilot Grainger, who is forced by circumstances, after his own ship is destroyed in a disastrous crash, to accept a job flying a new ship, the Hooded Swan, that is a fusion of human and alien technologies. She is faster and more manoeuvrable than any previous design, but despite the opportunity offered, Grainger resents the fact he is employed simply as a pilot but denied the position of Captain, and cannot resign at any time during his two-year contract without dire financial penalties that he regards as thoroughly unjust. In fact Grainger regards his terms of employment as making him little more than a slave, or at least an indentured servant. However, left little alternative by his financial situation, Grainger takes the job, and carries out a variety of assignments for his new masters, accompanied by the unwelcome alien symbiote sharing his brain.