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Honduran general election, 1989

A general election was held in Honduras on 26 November 1989. Voters went to the polls to elect a new President of the Republic and a new Congress.

Arancibia Córdova, Juan. “Honduras: elecciones y democracia.” Secuencia: revista de história y ciencias sociales nueva época 17: 111-118 (mayo-agosto 1990). 1990.

Bulmer-Thomas, Victor. “Honduras since 1930.” Bethell, Leslie, ed. 1991. Central America since independence. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1991.

Canache, Damarys, Jeffery J. Mondak, and Annabelle Conroy. “Politics in multiparty context: multiplicative specifications, social influence, and electoral choice.” Public opinion quarterly 58, 4:509-538 (winter 1994). 1994.

Dunkerley, James. The pacification of Central America: political change in the isthmus, 1987-1993. London: Verso. 1994.

Elections in the Americas A Data Handbook Volume 1. North America, Central America, and the Caribbean. Edited by Dieter Nohlen. 2005.

Fernández, Oscar. “Honduras: elecciones generales, 26 de noviembre de 1989.” Boletín electoral latinoamericano II:37-43 (julio-diciembre 1989). 1989.

Izaguirre, Ramón. 2000. “Análisis del caso de Honduras.” Sistemas de elecciones parlamentarias y su relación con la gobernabilidad democrática. 2000. San José: Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos. Pages 203-246.

Leonard, Thomas M. “The quest for Central American democracy since 1945.” Assessing democracy in Latin America. 1998. Boulder: Westview Press. Pages 93–116. 1998.

Loser, Eva. The 1989 Honduran elections: pre-election report. Washington, D.C.: Center for Strategic & International Studies. 1989.

Loser, Eva. The 1989 Honduran elections: post-election analysis. Washington, D.C.: Center for Strategic & International Studies. 1990.

Molina Chocano, Guillermo. “Elecciones sin ganador?” Nueva sociedad 82:2-8 (marzo-abril 1986). 1986.

Paz Aguilar, Ernesto. “Honduras: se iniciará el cambio?” Nueva sociedad 106:22-27 (marzo-abril 1990). 1990.

Paz Aguilar, Ernesto. “The origin and development of political parties in Honduras.” Goodman, Louis W., ed. 1992. Political parties and democracy in Central America. Boulder: Westview Press. 1992.

Political handbook of the world 1989. New York, 1990.

Sabillón Pineda de Flores, Milady. La mujer en los partidos políticos. Tegucigalpa: Alin. 1998.

Sullivan, Mark P. “Government and politics.” Merrill, Tim L., ed. 1995. Honduras: a country study. Washington, D.C.: Federal Research Division, Library of Congress. 1995.

