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Homo sapiens (Marvel Comics)

Homo sapiens
Publication information
Publisher Marvel Comics
Notable members Earth

Within the Marvel Universe, the species Homo sapiens, and its genus Homo, are far more prolific and active than in the real world. The branching of the species Homo sapiens came with the arrival of the Celestials on Earth. Space gods of genetic engineering, the origin of the Celestials as a race is shrouded in mystery. They are beings of phenomenal cosmic power and knowledge and are known to visit planets across the universe. They work to enhance the local sentient fauna and return periodically to monitor the progress of their charges.

It was a mission of such intent that led to the creation of modern man. At some point between 400,000 years ago and the second interglacial period in the Middle Pleistocene (around 250,000 years ago) the trend in cranial expansion and the elaboration of stone tool technologies developed, providing evidence for a transition from Homo erectus (meaning "upright man") to Homo sapiens (meaning "wise man"); this origin/transition is speculated by human scientists as either due to a uni-regional development that spread (which seems likely, due to the general genetic homogeneity of Homo sapiens sapiens) or multi-regional developments that merged.

This diverse group of Hidden races forged from the "human" template by the Celestial manipulations, Homo sapiens shows great variation and potential, possessing a total of six main groups (it is also possible that Vargas represents a new direction in Homo sapiens). All have a standard humanoid physical morphological template, although exceptions are possible within both Homo sapiens superior and Homo sapiens inhumanus, and almost inevitable within Homo sapiens deviare; additionally, Homo sapiens mermanus are typically endowed with either blue- or green-tinted skin.

This branch of humanity, known as "humans", "normals", or the derogatory "flatscans", are born without powers, and are considered the "base stock" among the descendants of the Celestial altered Homo sapiens. Despite their considerable inferiority when compared with both Eternals and Deviants as far as inherited power is concerned, it is Homo sapiens sapiens who appears to have retained the greatest genetic potential, their DNA altered to be the most receptive to benevolent mutations of all forms. With the most robust DNA sequences (and therefore greatest potential for superhuman adaptation) of any race the Celestials have altered, mainstream humanity have remained the most populous, yet have seen offshoots (in the form of Homo sapiens mermanus and Homo sapiens inhumanus) and mutations (in the form of Homo sapiens superior) leading to new subgroups, and even individual examples of stable, artificially induced mutations of the genome, such as Spider-Man, Giant-Man, or even the Incredible Hulk. These artificial benevolent mutations have been induced in a variety of ways, including direct exposure to radiation of varying types, indirect exposure to radiation, exposure to exotic particles, or exposure to a chemical agent delivered within a serum. Another way to gain superpowers is through genetics and eugenics, like in the case of Fantomex. According to the Supreme Intelligence of the Kree, all members of the human race have the potential to reach a latent evolutionary potential which includes god-like powers like "the Destiny Force", but the level and state of the present humankind makes them still too fragile and weak to survive and handle such powers.

