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Hoderi-no-Mikoto (火照の命 "Fire Shine-prince"?), in Japanese mythology, was a deity of the bounty of the sea and enchanted fisherman, better known by the nickname Umisachihiko (海佐知毘古, 海幸彦?, Luck of the Sea). He was the less fortunate of the brothers in the episode of the Luck of the Sea and the Luck of the Mountains, and outstripped by Hoori.

Hoderi was the eldest son of the god Ninigi and the blossom princess Konohanasakuya-hime, who gave birth to triplets during the same delivery. In this article, the older source, Kojiki will be the preferred authority, but confusingly, the Nihongi transposes the names, so that the sibling corresponding to him is Honosuseri, born in the middle.

The blossom princess Konohanasakuya (aka Kamu Kamu-Ata-Kashitsu-hime (神吾田鹿葦津姫?)) announced her pregnancy after just one day of matrimonial relationship with Ninigi. Ninigi suspected the conception was not by him (the heavenly son), but had been previously fathered by one of the earth deities (kuni-tsu-kami). Offended by the suggestion, the princess sought to prove proper paternity by undergoing ordeal by fire: she declared she would seal herself up inside a maternity house, and set it aflame; then she avowed, may no child survive the birth if they were not of the seed of the divine Ninigi. Three children were born sound and hale, though they arrived at different hours, and the eldest born when fire was most intense became Hoderi. (But Nihongi says that the fire was at its height when Honosuseri was born in the middle, and it was he who became Luck of the Sea, the elder sibling of Luck of the Mountain). Below is a tablulation of the 1st ~ 3rd siblings (Luck of the Sea in boldface):

