The Hockomock League, colloquially referred to as The Hock, is an interscholastic high school athletic league located in Southeastern Massachusetts, United States. As of 2012-2013, the league consists of 12 member schools. All Hockomock League member schools are public secondary schools and also members of the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association. The director of the league rotates, with the athletic director of a different member school serving in the role each year.
With the addition of a tenth school, Attleboro, in 2010, the league implemented a divisional system. Schools with larger enrollment are in the Kelley-Rex Division, while smaller schools are in the Davenport Division. Both the Kelley-Rex and Davenport winners are considered Hockomock League champions. Taunton and Milford joined the Hockomock League in 2012.