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Historical rankings of Canadian prime ministers

In political science, historical rankings of Canadian prime ministers are surveys conducted in order to construct rankings of the success of individuals who have served as Prime Minister of Canada. Ranking systems are usually based on surveys of academic historians, economists and political scientists. The rankings focus on the achievements, leadership qualities, failures and faults in office.

Note: Click the "sort" icon at the head of each column to view the rankings for each survey in numerical order.

Sequence listed by first term as Prime Minister

* Ranking calculated before the prime minister had left office

^ Served less than 2 years, 3 months, as Prime Minister, while all others served for more than 4 years, 11 months.

William Lyon Mackenzie King (photo) is the highest rated prime Minister based on three aggregate results from Maclean's

The Institute for Research on Public Policy undertook a survey to rank the prime ministers who had served in the 50 years preceding 2003. They ranked those nine prime ministers as follows:

^ Served less than 10 months as Prime Minister, while all others served for more than 4 years, 11 months.

In October 2016, Maclean's again ranked the prime ministers, this time splitting them into two lists. The long-serving prime ministers were ranked as follows:

The short-term prime ministers were ranked as follows:

