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Hesychius of Miletus

Hesychius of Miletus (Greek: Ήσύχιος ο Μιλήσιος Hesychios o Milesios), Greek chronicler and biographer, surnamed Illustrius, son of an advocate, flourished at Constantinople in the 6th century AD during the reign of Justinian.

According to Photius (cod. 69) he was the author of three important works:

In 1663 Gilles Ménage published an anonymous Vita Aristotelis that is commonly attributed to Hesychius.

Photius praises the style of Hesychius, and credits him with being a veracious historian.

Editions; J. C. Orelli (1820) and J. Flach (1882); fragments in C. W. Müller, Frag. hist. Graec. iv. 143 and in Theodor Preger's Scriptores originis Constantinopolitanae, i. (1901); Pseudo-Hesychius, by J Flach (1880).

