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Hercules Graphics Card Plus

The Hercules Graphics Card Plus (HGC+) is an IBM PC compatible graphics controller card released in June 1986 by Hercules Computer Technology, Inc. It is based on the previous Hercules Graphics Card (HGC) and adds support for redefinable fonts called RAMFONT in MDA compatible text mode.

Software support included Lotus 1-2-3 v2, Symphony 1.1, Framework II and Microsoft Word 3.

Original retail price was $299.

A variant of the Hercules Graphics Card Plus with on-board TOPS/FlashTalk-compatible network adapter was available as Hercules Network Card Plus in 1988. Reportedly, the card also supports RAMFONT but lacks a printer port.

Hercules Graphics Card Plus is an 8-bit ISA card, containing the display controller and a printer port.

